boardsbeginnerlolita girl
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drawn in 48 min with OekakiBBS
angelicfruitcake (Jul 7, 2003)
playing with options...
angelicfruitcake (Jul 7, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
concannon (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Nifty. Like the hair.
Zappo (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Looks very PoP it supposed to be that one girl in the 50's or somthing that tapped danced and stuff....dammit whats her name!!!!!Its the name of a drink..........DAMMIT?!?!?no that question is going to be festering in the creveses of my brain for a couple of days........
angelicfruitcake (edited Jul 7, 2003)
it's a shirley temple hairstyle ^-^
Marienkind (edited Jul 7, 2003)
yup, that's the drink, shirley temple! she said herself she wan't too fond of it, though. said it was too sweet. er, rambling, sorry. good pic.
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