boardsbeginnerHill top breeze.
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drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
keikai (Apr 24, 2006)
Last night I had the strangest dream...there was this secret garden by my house and a hill top filled with many colored flowers. Then, in my dream, the next day the flowers had all dissapeared. I came up to the hill and atop it was one tiny little flower trying it's hardest to hold on to it's home while a stronge breeze tried to blow it away. Does anybody 'read dreams' or whatever because I'd really like to know what this one ment. (Comments are welcome, critique is appreciated ;D the stricter the critique the better I'll get!)
keikai (Apr 24, 2006)
drawn in 48 min
Alliteration (Apr 24, 2006)
Very Pretty KeiKai.. I love how you have it bending into the wind... I cant really find anything to say soo. -Manufic!!!
kristine (Apr 24, 2006)
I really like the simplicity. Very pretty.
keikai (Apr 25, 2006)
Thank you both! x3 glad somebody thought it didn't look like a stupid little doodle.
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