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drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TenTaku (Apr 20, 2006)
umm i have this obsession with cat people..
TenTaku (Apr 20, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 4 min
Zeal (edited Apr 20, 2006)
Pie is a evil robot waiting to take over the world with banana-phones and monkeys and cake.. Cake is a monkey that eats banana pies .. Bananas are the phones of the 21st century.. the 21st century was so 21 centuries ago.. And pie will make you eat your own nose with your tongue!Like sticks! :3 It looks good :2

I think you need to add some shadeing, Go over the blue with a slightly darker airbrush blue on a layer above the coloring where the shadows should go :3 You're good at this :3
Kakashi_Hitake (Apr 20, 2006)
looking good =D >:3

the eye reminds me of chrono 8D
xiau (Apr 20, 2006)
I think using pen would bring out your art so much more.
And there's nothing wrong with being obsessed with cat people XD
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