Is that like a sneak peak cause if it is it looks cool, As if she's peeking through
Otherwise I thought it was hair..........D: If it's hair it looks like it's swallowing her face...
colours are fun to draw with! *0* you did a cool job too :] me likes the lips the hair looks a bit, small *_* maybe you should give her more hair :] unless it was fading into the darkness :)
Double post tan, yes, if you can afford it get a tablet. I couldn't go back to a mouse if my life depended on it. Mind you I can still do pretty well but the things I did with a mouse oh so long ago is but a memory, which frightens me if my tablet ever breaks.
drawn in 1 hour 16 min
Otherwise I thought it was hair..........D: If it's hair it looks like it's swallowing her face...
drawn in 42 min
drawn in 56 min
drawn in 17 sec
drawn in 51 sec