MY.....GOD-there are way too many muscles contracting on Superman! He's gunna EXPLODE! Duck and cover! Hah, just messin-this actually look pretty sweet, lovin the poses and the detail
Thanks fleeting, remember these are comic hero's, the bodies have always been exaggerated. In the ref for the Hulk his head is actually smaller and his body is twice this size. Comic artists have gone a little overboard with anotomy but hey, they're Superhero's, so they're always going to be larger than life.
Wow this is awesome. I totally love the big muscles. I'm still trying to learn proper anatomy and muscles and stuff.... Also, the background ties the picture together really well. Great job.
there's no way that Superman can beat the Hulk-in-a-tor!!! roar!
you did a fantasticallyawesomelypossumlycoolwootxor job on this! =) and did you really just sit there for 7 hours drawing without safty saves! *e-gad!*
The battle just started Derrick, wait awhile and the Hulk WILL get bigger. The madder he gets the stronger he gets, that's why I'm taking bets now. Last chance.
Just on an aside remember, Supes got more than just his strength going for him. Keep that in mind when you go to the betting window. XD.
drawn in 7 hours 35 min
you did a fantasticallyawesomelypossumlycoolwootxor job on this! =) and did you really just sit there for 7 hours drawing without safty saves! *e-gad!*
Hulk is much bigger than that.
Just on an aside remember, Supes got more than just his strength going for him. Keep that in mind when you go to the betting window. XD.
Thank you Do0p, diet, comd, and derrick.