boardsbeginneranatomy study
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drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
Studying skeletal structure with 'Anatomy for the Artist' by Barcsay. The pose is not inside the book: I'm just using it to try to set up a proper skeletal structure by using multiple pictures from that book as reference. I had a particularly hard time with the forearm and pelvis because I couldn't find a drawing in the book that had the angles I needed to understand the particular forms in 3d space, so I also looked through some references on the internet a bit and felt my own forearm to try to get an idea of how those bones curve around each other. I'm still not quite sure about those areas. It'd be nice if I could figure out how to simplify them somehow.
comd (Apr 9, 2006)
drawn in 26 min
DoOp (Apr 9, 2006)
**eat j00* This is really good o_O even for practice and such *tear tear* i'm dirven to try this sometime >_<

can't help you on anything x.x wish i could, but i'm kinda.. learning off you :3
comd (edited Apr 9, 2006)
Oh thanks. :) I don't know how much I learned doing this study, but I did find out something exciting about the forearm. I'll try to draw another picture to show what I mean. It's probably common sense for most people, but I never really thought about it.

The proportions are probably a bit off in this one, but I wasn't concerned about proportions - I just wanted to get the basic idea of the shapes of the bones at the angles provided. Also the bones look a bit thin to me for the amount of flesh I put around them. That's probably something I'm going to have to develop intuitively.
LisaAnne (Apr 9, 2006)
Its a very good study...when I had my life drawing class in the summer for college I remember my teacher having us draw each bone individually before she even let us draw full helped alot, just knowing exactly how each bone connected to the next, and how weight effected them. The pelvis can be difficult, because of the curves, but honestly I like drawing it. (I'm talking about drawing in pencil/charcoal though, because haha I really lack skill with the mouse.)
I'm very impressed.
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