You're doing a great job from what I see. Don't know who he is, but he looks like a little boy with a head of curly red hair on the way, not mister annie. I don't know the first thing how to advise you but to say it looks good!
haha, good idea. sorry so big, but this is for a friend who wanted to have it printed on photo paper. i made it as big as i could so it would be big without having to be blown up and therefore all pixelated.
haha I can understand! Bigger is always so much nicer for printing. Try and blow it up then it really looks like digital art with all the pixels being defined. Good luck on that hair, I don't envy you hehe I have faith, you can do it though :)
this is great so far, I havent commented prior to this because I am waiting to see it finished.....I figured I would chime in though to tell you how great of a start it is. :-)
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