boardsbeginnerDirected Intensity Acceleration #1

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drawn in 1 hour 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
creatormdi (Feb 18, 2006)
My first post! Whoo, finally! This is really just a test of the Oekaki Shi-Painter applet. OK n00bie questions: Does anyone get a bug in the Lascaux Sketch applet? One where the paintbrush just runs out all of a sudden, and will only come back on if you reset the size of the brush? I get this bug and it happens every 30 seconds! I can't use Lascaux Sketch with any flow. Can anyone help? :D
creatormdi (Feb 18, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 37 min
Sweetcell (edited Feb 18, 2006)
I can't help on Lascaux, sorry, I used it originally but I've become so used to Oekkaki Shi I've forgotten how to use that appelat, but the more experienced should be along soon to help, this will certainly get their attention. This is your first picture then? My God, it's brilliant and beautiful and I hate you. Hope you post more. Welcome creatormdi.

BTW, I like the name of this piece, it so fits.
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