George_Goat (Feb 17, 2006)
I left it on for a long, long time again. D; Now, I really need advice. On the hand. I wanted the perspective on the hand to look like it was waaay in front of her, but does it look...funny? And does anyone know what could I do to improve it/make it more realistic? I'd really, really appreciate any advice at all. >u<
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I definitely will take that into consideration, I did leave the hand kind of smudged/blurry, mostly because I was unsure what seemed to be the trouble. And indeed, the cuff's too high up. For now I'll just say it's....rolled up while the other one isn't. >U<
Now that I looked away and see it again I'm also thinking I might add a tiny bit more shadow to the very base of the fingers and maybe make the tips even lighter, for more contrast and dimensionality.
And yep, the teeth were drawn that way specifically for the customer. X3 I also think it would have been a less...disturbing picture without them, but, the customer is always...right. Dx
You both were a great help. <3