I'll teach you! The toes the go to the right are the shoes that make the left ones go right and the left makes the right go left and you put the right on the left and the left on the right and you should be fine.
Make any sense?
:DD awesomeee I'm esp. loving her tummy :DD <333 very sexy
the only thing that bothers me is her nosee. but it's okay. you're still awesome and I stil love you :D <3!
i realize this is unfinished, but the apparant lack of shape in her 'hidden' leg bothers me. i'm so glad you decided to add color, and i'm really glad she isn't stick thin. arms are great. what's she looking at?
fantastic, been staring at it for awhile. i cloth and her right arm are so accurate, and contrast with the foilage. you got alotta skills dan, and they all came together
Not to pik yer pikshur apart but, her left knee looks fat compared to the right one. Maybe I'm just looking at it wrong? Or maybe that's just the way the ref is?
drawn in 51 min
It has an odd feel to it.
drawn in 21 min
Make any sense?
the only thing that bothers me is her nosee. but it's okay. you're still awesome and I stil love you :D <3!
drawn in 34 min
drawn in 21 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 37 min
drawn in 28 min