I'm not sure if i really want to go with this bg though, thats why i'm doing different stuff. If you could toss a couple ideas at me, that would be great.
Oh, and i don't have a lineless pic in THIS style, but have you seen this?
I agree with Punky about the background. Maybe some mountains and forests? Something to match the colors you've already used. Anyways, awesome picture and lovely shading! :D
drawn in 36 min
rawr finish soon.
drawn in 16 min
I'm looking forward to seeing your art evolve.
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 17 min
I'd just like to say that it would be awesome to see you try a lineless picture in this same style.
Oh, and i don't have a lineless pic in THIS style, but have you seen this?
drawn in 10 min
Nice work so far, now finish it before I get even more impatient. D:
drawn in 20 min
Edit: It seems that i have ran out of space. D:
drawn in 14 min
I love it. :D Th earth tones and all. Your art has improved like crazy.