(>_>) Just a quick icon of Volvoice from Electroplankton..Lol, me and my mom have so much fun with this one, tonight, we were laughing SO much, because, with Volvoice, you record your voice, and replay it..You can change how it sounds, and even play what you recorded backwards!! LOL!! Me and my Mom were writing down words and then writing them backwards, so, my mom told me how to say it backwards, I listened to her a few times, then said it backwards, so when I clicked the Invert Volcoice, I heard what it said..Because sometimes my mom didn't tell me what I was saying backwards..Because this one time, she told me to say "Nam eelreg a si nadroj"..So I said it, and when I played it backwards, It said "Jordan is a girly man!" LOL!! Jordan's my big brother =3
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