boardsbeginnerdraco... yarg

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drawn in 37 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Jun 22, 2003)
some fangirls came in and stole his knickers. ooh, there's gonna be some doom.

edit: i'm aware his hair doesn't look like movie hair. bleh, he looked too pasty in that movie.
Marienkind (Jun 22, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Maiko (edited Jun 22, 2003)
aww~ ^__^ he's so KYOOT!!! yeah i know wat you mean, his hair was so..ICK in the movie O_O and why does no one appreciate poor Dracie? aww, i love ur piccie, keep at it ^__^
concannon (edited Jun 22, 2003)
YOU LISTENED!!!! *runs around*

*cough* Erm...yes. The movie hair was icky...too yellow and slicked. Needs better bleach/lessons from James Marsters. And he's peeeerdy. *glomps pic* Greeeeen.
taori (edited Jun 23, 2003)
Now, why can't he look like THAT in the movie?!
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