boardsintermediateMy Mouse!

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drawn in 28 min with PaintBBS
rosalyn (Jun 19, 2003)
Yes I still Use a mouse! And I love it! It took me a long time to get use to it! I've been drawing with a mouse long before Oekakie Central Was evil! I came from that meanie vill after they booted me off!! % long years with a mouse! >;}
rosalyn (Jun 19, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Minitsaru (edited Jun 20, 2003)
ya! mouse is cool! tho mine doesn't look like that....... its one of those old mouses that use a ball and only 2 clicking things and sometimes it just doesn't work >.< but i love it none the less =) its a perfect rectangle with a little curve where the 2 button thingies are =)
concannon (edited Jun 20, 2003)
Your mouse is very sexy Rosalyn. Yay for tablet-less people! *high fives*
Maiko (edited Jun 25, 2003)
at least you have a lazer mouse.. ;__; i dont have tablet and i have a crappy mouse with a ball in it.....aww..
i wanna steal that mouse!!! mahaha...*tries to grab it and smacks into screen* ow...
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
My mouse rox!
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