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drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Felistorm (Dec 21, 2005)
Just practicing. Used reference (loosely) Will go back in and finish here in a bit. (yes I can actually do realism when I want to....I can do realistic people also but usually only when picture ref. is available...and really only on paper..) :P Anyways. :D Do like the critiques and tips as those always help and I do learn from them. :D
Felistorm (Dec 21, 2005)
drawn in 18 min
Felistorm (Dec 21, 2005)
drawn in 25 min
Practicing doodle....the wording at the top was just something that I thought fit. :P Might try doing some more line art later was trying for just a basic thing w/ this one.
Tman (Dec 22, 2005)
this is awsome i could use a few pointers.... nice drawing
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