Yeah, Dittos are adorable! And I like Espeons, Too!..Do you know how to draw a Blaziken..? Blazikens are me favorite Pokemon (fire pokemon rule!)..If you know how to draw one..(^_^) Would you..please draw one for me..?
there I'm done. and the whole reason of this picture was because when I was playing pokemon emerald I wanted an evee, jolteon, flareon, and vaporeaon since I already had an umbreon and espeon.I also had a ditto so I put my espeon and ditto in the day care to get some eggs. after awhile I got an egg. and not long after that I got many more eggs. and they kept breeding like no tomorrow. o_O and as my friend put it "Holy crap it's like an orgy!!" XD I though that was hilarious when she said that.
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
drawn in 46 min
*dittos are cute though, i must say.