boardscontest!Contest Week 7: Queer Eye for Whomever...
DinoFlorist (edited Dec 8, 2005)
Admiral Boxfish was pleasantly surprised. He had been in the midst of Kings before, hailed as a hero many times throughout his naval career-- yet a masquerade ball in his honor? "Jolly good," the admiral thought, "but what will I wear?" Everyone else had the same question on their minds.

In this Contest Week (7), you are charged with designing the various costumes that the guests will wear. No, they dont have to be boxfish or muffins, but they could be! Costumes can be traditional, halloween-like, or even fashion designs (like dresses and gowns or whatever girls like).

Rules: Don't just draw a dress by itself on white background. Make the costume either on someone or part of the picture somehow. A guy at the mall in the lobster suit (like something off of trigger happy TV, btw what happened to that show?) would be hilarious but I already thought of that so too bad.

Best picture/design wins.

This contest will run until Tuesday, 11/29 at 11:59 PM PST.
whitebunny1063 (Nov 22, 2005)
ginny_91 (Nov 28, 2005)
so could it be some thing like oriental dress!!??
kristine (Nov 28, 2005)
it can be anything. most people have been drawing 18th century wear.
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