"last week Japanese Scientists placed explosive detenators at the bottom of lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Secort Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its residents, andd all those who seek the peaceful existance of our underwater ally."
"Bull crap, Napolean."
"Randy, why don't you go find your grandmother or something, you're buggin' the heck outta me! GOSH!" NP=<3
Eee, I saw this in the recently commented images and was like "...OMG"
Heehee... Thank you so much! X3 That's the best movie EVAR.
Haha... Thanks again! It looks just like him!! XD You have skills.
"You should probably come get it...since I can't fit my numb-chucks in there anymore."
drawn in 21 min
That movie rocks. :)
"Bull crap, Napolean."
"Randy, why don't you go find your grandmother or something, you're buggin' the heck outta me! GOSH!" NP=<3
Heehee... Thank you so much! X3 That's the best movie EVAR.
Haha... Thanks again! It looks just like him!! XD You have skills.
"You should probably come get it...since I can't fit my numb-chucks in there anymore."
"Will you buy ome lanyards to help raise money for me to go to college?"