I'm just not a serious person, I like to have fun. I don't find the name immature at all. I think getting offended by a word is immature, but hey that's just me mon...
Actually, if you look at my old stuff yeah there is small improvement. I draw alot because I like it, not because I want people to like my drawings. If you don't like 'em don't look at 'em, don't comment 'em... it's simple.
i think your drawings are very unique and thats what makes them good because of your style i dont think you need to improve because i like your pictures THATS MY OPINION ...i dont know about anybody else i really think it was unecessary to flame her exspecially..when her picture has nothing to do with her name ..yea and i think she's right if you dont liekit dont look at it dont comment
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 4 min
You're name is very... Uh... Immature.
The thing i'm most offended by though, is that you seem to draw alot and yet show little to no improvment.