nah i designed it for one purpose and one purpose only and that is.......long lines! I really hate waiting in long lines, so when people won't move or try to but ahead. Then i unleash this thing. It says stop really loud atfirst just to suprize its victoms targets so it doesn't entirely controdicts its purpose. You'll be suprised how fast lines move when the people in them got a bunch of laser guided missles coming at them... the robot also makes waffles.....Blue berry waffles......with butter...... and syrup.
drawn in 1 hour 23 min
victomstargets so it doesn't entirely controdicts its purpose. You'll be suprised how fast lines move when the people in them got a bunch of laser guided missles coming at them... the robot also makes waffles.....Blue berry waffles......with butter...... and syrup.