When I shot archery tournaments regularly, I used to listen to Led Zeppelin right before going out on the range. I think it made me more focused.
edit: I don't know how you did that logo thing in the bottom right corner, but it's perfect.
Yay yay yay!!! When I was little my mom was a cool hippie mom who played me all sorts of awesome albums. Mostly she played Alice Cooper but she also played me some beautiful Zeppelin. It reminds me of watching my dad build racecars in the garage listening to KQ (the local classic rock station), and now it makes me want to go play guitar. Since I started that whole thing they've been an absolute staple in my current line-up of listenables.
drawn in 44 min
drawn in 9 min
AWesome pic!!!!
edit: I don't know how you did that logo thing in the bottom right corner, but it's perfect.
Worlds best band ever!
Yeah so I really like ur drawring it rocks. :B