boardsspritesAndroid Girl Thingy

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drawn in 35 min with PaintBBS
Sererena (Jun 1, 2003)
She's gonna be in a game I'm making... if I ever actually do it.
Sererena (Jun 1, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Xodiak (edited Jun 1, 2003)
I wish you do it someday! it looks awesome! >:D
Einz (edited Jun 1, 2003)
i'd love to see it in a game
Kazukie (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Ohh perdy, better then I could ever do!
Minitsaru (edited Jun 1, 2003)
looks great! tho even if you started making the game now it would take 3months - whenever to finish it, useually the longer it takes the better is it =P beleave me i kno. i rushed the game that went along with my book and poof!.... well it got good ratings but everyone hated the ending >.< HATED THE ENDING!!!!! *cries*
Sererena (edited Jun 1, 2003)
What proggie did you use to make your game?
Minitsaru (edited Jun 2, 2003)
C++ =P i had a LOT of free time to teach myself... and i got a lil help too =D

[edit] a LOT of help, heh.
Turtlebuster (edited Jun 2, 2003)
c++? you are smart. it took me months to figure out rm2k and that is the most simplified program in existence (and one of the weakest).
what kind of game are you planning, sererena?
Minitsaru (edited Jun 3, 2003)
Smart? hardly... as i said i have a lot of free time... i used to use rm2k but i was unnable to do some of the things i REALLY wanted to happen..... so i just started reading a whole lot of C++ tutorials. after all both of my legs got fcked up so, u kno a LOT of free time...
raenboe (edited Jun 4, 2003)
Wow! Kinda reminds me of Mega Man! Kewlies!
rosalyn (edited Jun 17, 2003)
COOL! another GAme Creator!!! :] Cute li'l gurl! :}
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