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Dancing Nancy
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concannon (May 29, 2003) — edit
..and drawing Turkey Girl. Here, she has misbehaved so much in hell, she's been promoted! In her promotion, she's gained a new wing and a second tail. ^^
concannon (May 29, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
taori (edited May 29, 2003)
Oh wow! She looks awesome now.
OneWingedMoo9se (edited May 29, 2003)
Oh shes interesting looking now. Not that she wasn't interesting looking before. I will not jump on the bandwagon because well I wont lol.
Turtlebuster (edited May 29, 2003)
the hell? i thought i ate that damn turkey already.
quintessence (edited May 29, 2003)
...mildly disturbed, here. She does look happy now, though, the poor thing. *tweaks the tail*
Marienkind (edited May 29, 2003)
she looks sexy now! i like the tail too. i like everything, actually.
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
no, Turkey girl is not dead! <:(
Knockoff (edited May 30, 2003)
Hah thats cool.
concannon (edited May 30, 2003)
O_o Sorry Xod, was just following Taori's plot. Lesse that this is a...dream. Yesh, a dream.
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