pretty turtle! heheheheh lalallala woah... where did all that come from?!?!?! nice eye of the turtle... turrrrrtle turrrrrtle... hehehe i think i have that thing from master of disguise stuck in my head (the movie sucked, just to let you know, except for that small part... what a bundle of joy!)
lol, i never sawa that movie but i loved that line (saw the previews). When i was in school, i always said, "turtle, turtle" during 6th period because my teacher looked EXACTLY like a freakin turtle! I'm so mature >:0
It looks like one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles before they were exposed to that radiation...does anyone remember (the original) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I love that show..*cuddles her michaelangelo plushie*
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