boardsbeginnerTurtle at the beach
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
Fulgore (Jul 12, 2005)
Picture of a turtle at the beach

Reference Picture:
Fulgore (Jul 12, 2005)
drawn in 14 min
cold_graffiti (Jul 12, 2005)
aww man this reminds me of bodes style
from cheech wizard!
Fulgore (Jul 12, 2005)
O cool
cold_graffiti (Jul 12, 2005)
hell yeah its coll you should draw cheech wizard!
Fulgore (edited Jul 12, 2005)
Where is it?
Edit:Never mind i found it it looks funny :D
Fulgore (Jul 12, 2005)
I'll do it but i may add someone else in there too
vigilante (Jul 13, 2005)
when i was little i always wanted a turtle like that. :D
Fulgore (edited Jul 13, 2005)
Cool i had found a turtle it was black shelled and it had orange spots on it it was a weird turtle 0-o;; and i also guess you could say i made the original turtle from the reference pic alot older xD
vigilante (Jul 14, 2005)
Not fair. You find turtles and i only frogs- >:/
Fulgore (Jul 24, 2005)
well i found both
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