watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
Neko-Yasha_Yammy (May 15, 2003)
Whee, it took a long time because I had to leave and some back _ _
Neko-Yasha_Yammy (May 15, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Knockoff (edited May 15, 2003)
Uhhhhhhhhh could you stop putting these pics on the public board and put these on the practice board please?
Nanibunny (edited May 15, 2003)
aww its really cute, try to finish it ^.^ .. . but yeah this board seems to be turning into a practice board >.< .. .
Terren144 (edited May 16, 2003)
aww thats really cute! ^_^- good job~
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