Look for a light source. Maybe make a note, like draw an arrow somewhere on the top corner of the page to indicate where the light is coming from. So far you did pretty good shading the top part of her hair and the cleavage part *ahem*. It looks to me like it's coming from the above her. Put some darker tones on the inside part of her hair. Add some highlights to her cheeks or something using the small airbrush or one of the watermark tools, add some to the upper lip too, and right under the eyes too. Hope that helps. I'll help you shade it if you want.
Maybe her right arm is a little too curved rather than slightly bent to shape her arm. It looks a bit like rubber. lol I couldn't figure out where her elbow is the make a slight bend when I was shading it. Just an observation. :)
drawn in 50 min
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 13 min
drawn in 6 min
drawn in 20 min
[edit]Here's some tips created, thanks to Zack: Lineart Tutorial (which also includes how-to-shade)[/edit] You can go through those steps if you want, and then eventually, you'll get to step 3. :)
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
drawn in 25 min