boardsbeginnerElven Gardens
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drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Minty_hippo (Jun 27, 2005)
Just done a quick pic....again :P
I kinda knicked the idea from Valerie, but Valerie's is WAY better BY FAR!!!
Minty_hippo (Jun 27, 2005)
drawn in 28 min
Punky (Jun 27, 2005)
I agree that the other one is better, but yours isnt bad either. :D i like the warm colors.
Minty_hippo (Jun 27, 2005)
oo why thank you!! I wanna draw like Valerie....:'(
Harlz xxx
voodoobunny (Jun 28, 2005)
just because you want to draw like me, you shouldn't copy me.
Minty_hippo (Jun 30, 2005)
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