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drawn in 3 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Messagetoharryrmanback (Jun 23, 2005)
I kinda wish I was back there sometimes. I think memory and interpretation speak louder than actual pictures sometimes.
Messagetoharryrmanback (Jun 23, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 4 min
emmamommalag (Jun 23, 2005)
Back where? I like the softness in this.
Messagetoharryrmanback (Jun 23, 2005)
The Hospital ICU =(. Not all the time do I miss it. I just miss the quite and Morphine, eh probably the morphine. Yeah I was thinking about the feeling when drawing it. The feeling of morphine is light, relaxing, calming, so thats were the softness of the picture comes from, I also couldn't remember exact shapes well.
Cianteed (edited Jun 23, 2005)
I'm a hospital regular. 'Cause I have Crohn's Disease... you know, them nasty bleeding colon ulcers that are incurable. I love the morphine too, and demoral (mind my spelling). I couldn't sleep because my back and stomache were so inflamed, but the morphine took all the pain away. I swear I would have went suicidal without it. Then again, it cant take away the headache that is a blood transfusion.

Good pic, I quite like it - it "speaks" to me.
Messagetoharryrmanback (Jun 23, 2005)
Sorry to hear that Cianteed =(. I was in a car bad accident 2 years ago and well did make out so well but I am doing ok, now. Glad I captured the morphine vibe or hospital vibe for you ^^.
squee (Jun 24, 2005)
I liked the tranqs I got when they repositioned my bone. The colors and designs I saw were awesome and the feeling was good. :D The feel good stuff was good too. I miss that.
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