Yair (Jun 7, 2005)
King David and his friends write the book of psalm, about 3000 years ago, It's power can weaken every trouble, kill demons in a minutes, make dreams turn to reality, makes miracle, cheers up people, help finding a job, getting a wife and having happy life... It gives helpful advices, Give wisdom... It does much more than you or me can thinks, and everyone can find theirselves or a moment of their life in that book... Even the worset criminal can see wonders and turn good with that book!My Recommand! Tells you! It does much better than a glass of beer! Ask me! Many people think that I just got mad! This, is was actually a sketch for a friend who would like to sell his own CD's of guitar music realated to religious... I am not a shame for placing here, If I draw rude stuff, than such stuff is surely desreves...
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