Yeah, it's a nice place to live, plenty of trees and wildlife but not too many women around here. There are plenty of hot high school girls here but I'm not about to go there even though I'm not much older than they are. The only place I find cultured women is in Denver.
Let me share something that just came to mind as I put on a new CD and closed my eyes.
The soothing melody filters in as the song begins to play. I close my eyes and through the dark I see highlights of shredded flesh hanging like ripped rags stapled to the inside of a dome, it is the minds view of the inside, still the music sooths.
drawn in 45 min
drawn in 41 sec
drawn in 15 min
But I guess I can forgive you since you drew this one.
The soothing melody filters in as the song begins to play. I close my eyes and through the dark I see highlights of shredded flesh hanging like ripped rags stapled to the inside of a dome, it is the minds view of the inside, still the music sooths.