boardsbeginnerShort T_T
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drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
~unwritten_law_girl~ (May 21, 2005)
Not sure if this is intermediate but.. my friend kept calling me short cuz hes 5'9 and im 5'4..
~unwritten_law_girl~ (May 21, 2005)
drawn in 27 min
pandabarrie (May 21, 2005)
dont be sad
i know much shorter...
nice job, i really like your shading!
ILoveKenshin (May 22, 2005)
I'm only 5' 3/4" -___-.
Zack (May 22, 2005)
Short? Apparently she's 8.4 feet tall. O_o
ILoveKenshin (May 22, 2005)
XD Nice. Wow, I'm even older than her, and yet I'm 4inches shorter.
Xodiak (May 22, 2005)
You will probably get taller! Short girls are pretty though, aren't they? <:)
Kenshin (May 22, 2005)
You are not short. I'm only 5'. You shouldn't complain. =__= And guys are generally taller than girls, anyway -__-
Ferret_Boy (edited May 23, 2005)
Being short sux ... And I am not gonna grow any more either !!!! Besides, Short girls rule!
Zack (May 23, 2005)
So wait, being short sucks and rules at the same time? ¬_¬
~unwritten_law_girl~ (May 23, 2005)
..i guess being short has its advantages..
Ferret_Boy (edited May 25, 2005)
It can be nice and also bad. Ive always been the shortest guy in my group. I even had a girlfriend who was taller that me by like 5 inches. I had to stand on my toes to kiss her (grin)
Xodiak (May 27, 2005)
I think that short girls, especially those with various forms of dwarfism, are very sexy.
You are 13 years old and you are 5 feet 4 inches... There is a boy who is 14 years old and he is 39 inches tall. |:)
geekyshoes (May 29, 2005)
i feel short next to my friend(he's 6'4 i'm 5'7.5)but remnember: good things come in small packages!!
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