boardsbeginnerChibi Vincent
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
RikuGirl12 (May 10, 2005)
Just a chibi Vincent Valentine from FF7.
RikuGirl12 (May 10, 2005)
drawn in 39 min
hideyourface (May 10, 2005)
you should use layers so you dont have to have the white squares around him, andso that you can makethe circles stretch across the whole picture instead of trying to squeeze them in around him. Also, shading is a good thing as well..
Punky (May 10, 2005)
i agree with hideyourface, and also, i dont think this is intermediate quality. its a good start, but it doesnt look up to intermediate standards. nope.
Xodiak (May 10, 2005)
When I saw the title I thought that was chibi method3. His name is Vincent, haha! >:D
friend (May 10, 2005)
I really like the lightsaber effects.
Shanghai (May 10, 2005)
I don't think the background with the circles is really necessary. They look like you didn't have anything else to put there and just put random circles so it wouldn't be blank, and it would probably be better without them.
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