100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (May 7, 2005)
it's a mouse
Axil62 (May 7, 2005)
drawn in 12 min
Axil62 (May 7, 2005)
drawn in 37 min
Axil62 (May 8, 2005)
drawn in 42 min
TaCO (May 8, 2005)
Are you sure???
concannon (May 8, 2005)
This made me smile. Thank you.
Axil62 (May 8, 2005)
my pleasure.
AlmightyRin-chan (May 8, 2005)
It looks like my sister's mouse. O_o; It bites people... A lot...
It's cute, though. I want to pet it. ^^
shudson (May 8, 2005)
this is adorable ;) so fuzzy
solve (May 8, 2005)
sheesh! this is brilliant for just being a mouse. yet, when i say just a mouse, it seems lacking. i mean, damn.. i wish i could do realism like this. photorealistic realism. professional work like always axil.
Turtlebuster (May 8, 2005)
is it weird that i like the 1st version the best?
HunterKiller_ (May 8, 2005)
The Pinky and the Brain, the Pinky and the Brain, the Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain...
Anna (May 8, 2005)
So very cute! :D
featherstone (May 8, 2005)
that's so farkin cute I think I might even kiss it
Maiko (May 8, 2005)
awww =__= <3 <3 <3 too cute
I need to draw my rat sometime *inspiration~~*
TaCO (May 8, 2005)
Makes me hungry for Marshmallows

Looks like a novelty hat
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 8, 2005)
He looks cuddley and squeakey. This is precious, I think.
Pence (May 8, 2005)
It's so cute i just want hug it to death! X3
Zack (edited May 8, 2005)
That, sir, is the fattest mouse I have ever seen.

He looks like if you stepped on him he'd just squish around your foot like one of those stress-relief squeeze toys. You'd fall flat on your back and kick your foot while falling and he'd go flying and bounce off a wall and back and land on your face. Then you'd be flat on your back with this fat mouse on your face.
Ty854 (edited May 8, 2005)
Brilliant! I love white mice! Everybody needs to know it's the year of the rat.
Miss_DJ (edited May 9, 2005)
very fuzzy and sweet! love the translucent ears
sincity (May 9, 2005)
Very cute. Awesome job ax. I used to have mice when I was younger and noticed it was the white ones that were more apt to bite.
Axil62 (May 10, 2005)
"I named him Bitey"
featherstone (May 10, 2005)
the Mighty Bitey
..he bites me, he ain't gettin' no cheese
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