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drawn in 42 sec with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 2, 2005)
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't...
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 2, 2005)
drawn in 42 sec
davincipoppalag (edited Apr 2, 2005)
I remember seeing some of these in college. I wasn't...I really wasn't....looks for three musketeers bars..or or omg..breyer's vanilla ice cream.....lovely gracefully flowing shapes and all in 42 seconds. Dave's not hooooommme maaaannn...
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 2, 2005)
Dave.... are you high?
davincipoppalag (Apr 2, 2005)
Daave's not hoooome maaannn
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