boardsbeginnerA confused person <Unfinished>
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drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
carrottop94 (Feb 20, 2005)
She is a weirdo. I like it!
carrottop94 (Feb 20, 2005)
drawn in 14 min
breac (Feb 20, 2005)
Umm, I hate to burst your bubble kid, but only people 13 or over are allowed to sign up.
bakuraiscool (Feb 20, 2005)
Wait, I know're yuohoo's cousin, Misty! And you aren't 6! >:|
breac (Feb 20, 2005)
Yes, Well I suppose that WOULD be the only plauseable excuse for the quality of this art.
Austin400 (edited Feb 20, 2005)
your not six!! you have your own e mail address!!!!! heloooooooooo!! bad exuse for sucky art
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