This is very very good :-D There is something SO distinct about your drawings all the time. I am not even sure what it is... But it's great! He IS pretty scary lookin'!
samoas are clearly the best cookie. coconut, chocolate...
to me he looks like a redneck sitting in his favorite armchair right about the time some kid throws a rock onto his roof.
Thin mints are my favorite girl scout cookie too... and if you freeze them? *sigh* so yummy. I think they put crack in them though. It's just not right for a cookie to be that darned addictive. Great picture too, he looks like a very angry old man who barks at everyone. The eyes look soooooooo skeery and glassy.
I bet his pantry is just fullll of girl scout cookies, and his back yard is prolly full of dead girl scouts... at least that's what I thought immediately when I saw him. This is just great, thug.
drawn in 1 hour 14 min
drawn in 43 min
drawn in 24 min
drawn in 45 min
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 1 hour 52 min
to me he looks like a redneck sitting in his favorite armchair right about the time some kid throws a rock onto his roof.
*cough cough* ahem! sorry...heh...heh..