watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 25 min with PaintBBS
Knockoff (Apr 13, 2003)
Stephon my character, altho its not done. Ill finish after im backfrom the football game. O yea and Stephon is a crazy mad scientist.
Knockoff (Apr 13, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Kazukie (edited Apr 13, 2003)
O_O He is very frightening. Can't wait til you finish it and fix it up.. o.O;;
Carlucci (edited Apr 13, 2003)
Kazukie (edited Apr 13, 2003)
BTW the animations a little messed up so when you go back to edit it I don't know if it'll survive. O.o
ky (edited Apr 13, 2003)
I liked his clothes... a lot.
Belleza (edited Apr 13, 2003)
yeah i dont think you'll be able to edit it... might as well delete. it happened to me before, took the animation/edit from an old picture :x
Knockoff (edited Apr 13, 2003)
CRAP< Noooooooo Well It cant be finished. *cries* I will do another pic of him soon.
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