boardsbeginnerLeg on Red Towel
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drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
KayOhio (Feb 6, 2005)
I was practicing shading.
KayOhio (Feb 6, 2005)
drawn in 33 min
Knockoff (Feb 6, 2005)
A little more contrast, but other then that, its great. Proportions seem excelent.
davincipoppalag (Feb 6, 2005)
youre gettin it Kay.. keep at it. I've seen your stuff. I know you got great stuff comin.
silver_maiden (edited Feb 6, 2005)
omg its a leg!???
Anna (Feb 6, 2005)
yep.. the shape of the leg is great. I can see where you were shading it and they look right on. Just darken it up some. Darker darks and lighter lights and it'll be perfect! :-D
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