yes, body proportions are off, yes i know. I need to draw humans more often.
Character from comic idea. Belaza. Why goggles you ask? He is the product of some cloning projects and genetic mix and match. So, in he end, he came out with nice great vision, sensitivity to light and can see better in the dark then most (no night vision though). They help prevent him from freaking out from what he sees. Too little to late though, as scientist then to test what they make and he snapped from sensory overload to extreme light. And blah, blah, blah. (He is my fav though, which is why he gets drawn :D)
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drawn in 1 hour 25 min
drawn in 21 min
drawn in 29 min
Also, everyone says it has a very Cloxboy feel to it. By that, do you mean color, style, genre, feeling, etc?