boardsbeginnerI am so alone in my heart...
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Chezas_Place (Dec 31, 2004)
"I need to find someone that is like me,a goth like me,i need to find someone that loves me,and i love him,i need to find someone that is perfect for me,like me,I am so alone inside with out any love...please my prince come to me" she is sad cuz she wants a boyfriend eheheh .well for this one i used 4 layers,i am starting to get the hang of this,hey leave a comment if not U WILL NOT BE ALLOWD TO LOOK AT A NOTHER DRAWING OF MINE,by the way i am not done with the drawing i still need the details.hehe
Chezas_Place (Dec 31, 2004)
drawn in 20 min
Cacau (Dec 31, 2004)
Try to shade her hair now... It would ake her hair looks more real... And her eyebrows... She don´t have eyebrows? The dress is also a bit blurry... But you´re getting better, Chezas...
Chezas_Place (Dec 31, 2004)
i tryed to edit it but ut stays i have reached my limits,>< i was gonna add some blush in her face and fix her dress and hair this sucks!!!
ILoveKenshin (Dec 31, 2004)
I want a boyfriend, too.. TT_TT Nice idea, but Cacau's right, it is quite blurry o_o;;. If you want to finish this, you request more space from a mod.
octobermajesty1014 (Dec 31, 2004)
I really like her dress it's pretty cool!! Good job...
seaanemone (Dec 31, 2004)
yay! very cool piccy! i think i can find a goth-y boyfriend for her! *looks through pictures of my characters* found one! ^___^ hehehe
Chezas_Place (Dec 31, 2004)
how to i request for more space?
Cacau (Dec 31, 2004)
Hey sea... Isn´t Shorty, is he? He´s the bf of Samara! Samara will eat ya! And then kill you!
davincipoppalag (Jan 7, 2005)
When you want more space, open your picture and copy the url . Then send a memo to one of the mods and paste the url address into the memo and ask for more space. They will usually give it to you if they think the piece is something you are working on hard and is worthwhile. If not, send them money.
StrawberryYamichan (Jan 8, 2005)
someone that is like me,a goth like me,
don't label yourself >_> you're just degrading yourself if thats even a word and i'm using it right
your picture does look nice can use a few touch ups (but yea you ran outta space) i think you mighta put some stuff on the wrong layers. remember: colour goes beneath the outline, and a background beneath the outline and colour.
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