boardsbeginnerMy character Rii.

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drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Broken_Chaos (Dec 21, 2004)
Um this is my first image and well i cant draw with a mouse as you can tell . evil mouse *stabs it with a fork* anyway um i messed up alot x.X;; which sucked.
Broken_Chaos (Dec 21, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 23 min
ILoveKenshin (Dec 21, 2004)
Welcome to the site! ^_^ I like the idea of the hair, but I think you need to work a little with face proportions. Also, the boobies could use a little work. >_< Good first picture, though! Especially with a mouse. ^_^
Cacau (Dec 26, 2004)
Lol! I also have a character named Rii! Cool! *dances with Chaos* I love the hair. Looks like there is a sea in Rii´s hair. Awesome first pic!
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