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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 17, 2004)
So, I was told by a group of older artists. An artist doesn't achieve his or her own style until he or she reaches the age of around 50 or 60, because one is able to then blend all the experiences in their life into their art.
Just thought that was interesting...and seeing as how everyone likes to compliment everyone else’s "style" around here. As for my own opinion... I do agree mostly..It seems like most artists are imitating until their peak (depending on the goals & interests of the artist)...which would be about 40, 50 or 60, I wouldn't know. So, style huh? |
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TaCO (Dec 17, 2004)
What if a person died at 24years old, can you say that person had their own style.
I mean that person would of reached his peak. |
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 17, 2004)
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Axil62 (Dec 17, 2004)
They died at 24 they most likely died before they peaked.
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TaCO (edited Dec 17, 2004)
The way I see It is the way you draw depends on who you are as a person. When you change your style changes. People stay changing until their really old, but not always. When you stop changing you hit your peak. Talent plays a part in your style, but not as much as you would think.
Edit: Axil62: If a person dies then that person has reached their peak. How can he get any better if he is dead?????? |
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sincity (edited Dec 17, 2004)
Can't really comment , well actually I can , since I will be ballsie enough( if some of you reading comments haven't figured it out by now) I'm in that age bracket. I would have to say that I have developed my own real style, but still like to dabble in others. I would have to say that those other artist could have been talking about artists who do it for a living. At the same time.....O.K. they very well may be right, but at the same time you have to look back at other artists you consider to have been a influence to you, and study their work and see if there was any major change in their work according to their age. I can say alot that influenced me did not have any real change in their work from their earlier work to present , or their passing. If anything they just improved on what they were already doing. I know what I'm doing is not much different from what I've done in my earlier days, and I have a witness to this, If anything , I've improved on that particular style. O.K. I'm Done Rambling. I don't know if this will answer your question, but I would not mind discussing this over a Starbuck's Sometime, On you of course. ;} lol. ? .....
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Kilala (Dec 18, 2004)
I think a person can reach there peak before that age... it would take A LOT of work but I think it's possible. ^_^
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 18, 2004)
Yes, as I said, it depends on the goals of the artist. Usually the ones who are purposefully striving for their own style go along that path. Up until that point one is just imitating.
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TaCO (Dec 18, 2004)
Art imitates life.
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 18, 2004)
This isn't about art itself..it's about the style(s) of an artist.
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TaCO (Dec 18, 2004)
Style imitates life.
Is that better??? |
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Xodiak (Dec 18, 2004)
Even people who try to imitate a certain style have a style of their own. Everyone's drawings have a special style, no matter if they are good or bad or old or young. I guess that as long as someone ages, if they keep drawing and loving it, they become better and better, therefore it is logical a 40 year old person to have a more developed style than when they were 30 and when they become 60 their style will be even more developed. >:)
|XOD| |
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 18, 2004)
Yes, thank you...perhaps I should've worded it like that.
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squee (Dec 18, 2004)
Well I'm only 13, I've been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, I've been looking back at the "scribbles" I've been doing. and Yes, I must admit, for a while, i was copying 'kai.. V__V for that, I am ashamed, but I have tried and tried to get my own style, and yet, I still havent found myself, I turn mostly to the gory and damaged soul type of art, yes.. the love of it all.. I hate my soul.. at least my so cheerful one. but yes, I do agree, you dont reach your peak until you know your true self, and that takes years and years of finding and searching. I'm aware and I'm still trying to find myself.. *sigh*
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Cordelia_Pink (edited Dec 18, 2004)
Your style could reflect your personality, moods, and emotions. Style could change throughtout the years but that's just my analogy. I think every artist can figure out their style based on what they've experienced in their life and how their felt about it will affect their way of doing art. Something like that. I mean, you can figure out your style at 20 or earlier than that but maybe it won't be the same until you're 40. You say that artists don't achieve their style till they're in their 50's? Maybe you're talking about ancient artists like Picasso, or DaVinci or something. I mean, they probably became famous for it... Unless you're saying that an artist's style varies and changes throughout the years... I'd agree to that. lol That's if I live to be 50 or 60 years old and still continue to do art... lol
Squee, I agree with you too. Learning who you really are and how significant you are is really important too in order to achieve a style and be burned with passion for Art. |
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squee (Dec 18, 2004)
*nods* Exactly. Your art reflects who you are inside. More people express theirself in different ways, for artists, it's art. For singers, it's singing.. etc. etc.You don't know your true abilities until you find who you are. If you don't you'll never achieve this goal. It is safe to say that you can be a self conscience bastard, and still make fine art. Even being a small tike with "scribbles" you're still an artist. So it really doesn't matter how old you are, just how you place yourself in the world. When you're young, you think your drawings are the greatest things since sliced bread. As you proceed to age, the more and more you hate your past art, but the more you know, the more you believe that you'll get better.
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Kloxboy (Dec 18, 2004)
I'm trying to develop style in my illustration, it's a long and hard process but it's worth it in the end.
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DinoFlorist (Dec 18, 2004)
I think that you cant really 'peak' as far as art goes. You might make some really nice pieces during a period of time, but art is not like football. Your skills dont decline with age unless you go senile and forget them.
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sincity (Dec 18, 2004)
Absolutely you never really " Peak" or stop learning art for that matter. It is a never ending process, but you do develop a sense of " Style" to your work. This has been a good little forum. I enjoyed it. :}
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Kilala (Dec 19, 2004)
I agree. There is always going to be something to learn but that doesn't mean you can't be at your best, right?
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sincity (Dec 19, 2004)
....Right..I for one don't feel any where near my best yet. :}
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NoClueWhatImDoing (Dec 19, 2004)
The best in art is every time they try going for something more difficult or complex. Every time they try for that they improve whether they know it or not it is a procces that goes on till you die or quit (God forbid). As for style i am 14 in real drawing i have found my style, in online drawing i havent come even close.
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Kilala (Dec 19, 2004)
I still have my drawing pads from when I was 7 and I came a long way from when but I have galixy's to go before I'm half way to my best... (I hope) <:{
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TaCO (edited Dec 19, 2004)
People tell me they can look at anything I ever drew and know I drew It cause of how It's drawn.
Alot of people have told me this. I don't know If it's cause of the style or not. |
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manda23 (Dec 20, 2004)
It's possible to develop your style earlier. I've seen a lot of really talented kids my age (at the time, 18 years old), and I could most definitely say they have a style. I think it just depends on how much you practice this style, and how you use your colors, etc. I believe style comes from practice, and not even good practice necessarily. As for style, it's true that everyone will develop their own, but also know that each separate piece can have it's own style.
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marcello (Dec 20, 2004)
I think locking yourself into one style is actually destructive. If you don't flex your skills in a range of techniques and styles, you won't progress as an artist.
As for reaching a peak, in one sense you really never want to reach a peak, because that means you can never improve anymore, and thus there's no point in continuing. With each piece we progress a little (or a lot) further. |
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NoClueWhatImDoing (Dec 20, 2004)
This is true i have developed a style(non computer) im 14 i havnt perfected it though . On online drawing im not as good as i want but im still jumping styles.
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Nightmare (Dec 20, 2004)
I have not really found my style. But my motto is always to expand your horizon.
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 20, 2004)
Justin_Sane (edited Dec 20, 2004)
Ok......from my personal point of view I think too much emphasis is being put on "styles" here..........Most important thing for me is to ENJOY art ......i think as an artist you are always trying to Learn new things,try new things etc etc this will in turn show itself through your Artwork ....its all about Life Experiance,like everything else, but i think that goes without saying.......so yeh Enjoy your Art and try not to worry too much about Styles.......:)......i know im still learning and trying different things....even more now than i did a few year ago.....so yeh try everything .....Learn from it and most of all ENJOY it
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TheCrimsonKing (Dec 20, 2004)
^_^ well..nice job filling in the big picture...but thinking about it doesn't hurt...it's not like we've gone crazy figuring this out, or figured it out period. This was just another forum post to break the concept down....
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davincipoppalag (Dec 20, 2004)
I like your style Dazz.. I wish you would do a couple so these folks could see your talent too.
Justin_Sane (edited Dec 20, 2004)
didnt realise i was filling in the big picture whatever that means lol......just my opinion..on another note ...thanx Poppa :) i will do one eventually i promise!
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emmamommalag (Dec 20, 2004)
Yes, dazzakins... please draw one SOON... pwetty pweeeeeeease.. for momma?
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Anna (Dec 20, 2004)
I miss ya, Darren. :-)
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brainspiller83 (Dec 20, 2004)
"So, I was told by a group of older artists. An artist doesn't achieve his or her own style until he or she reaches the age of around 50 or 60, because one is able to then blend all the experiences in their life into their art."- i personally think that whoever said that to you is partially right, but completely wrong. Although experience can contribute to peoples art style, but it doesn't mean that they achieve completely their own style at 50+. that is oxenschize! several famous artists have had their "own style" before they were 50.
the first caveman to draw on the wall must have been before he/she was 50 due to later historical medical proof etc. Dali had his "own style" before he was 50, Winston Smith had his "own style" before he was 50. several people on here are less than half 50 and have their own style- although having your own style its always going to be similar to someone elses because it influences you in such a way, etc. everything and anything can influence yourstyle even up to the age of 50 and above without even knowing it (well until you think about it). thats how we learn! |
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Nightmare (Dec 20, 2004)
Well said Brain, well said.
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Kilala (Dec 20, 2004)
GRRR! I don't know why people care where they are in the art world! *rethinks what she said* O.k. I can see why some people would care but I don't because was long was you enjoy it you shouldn't care... but that's just my opinion...
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morte_nocturnum (Dec 21, 2004)
i think its all relative.
when youre style emerges isnt really a predetermined date. but eventually, it will show itself. |
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Kilala (Dec 21, 2004)
When? In 500 years? *looks at calendar*
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NoClueWhatImDoing (Dec 21, 2004)
500 year old drawings. Not as good as 500 year old wine but it will work.
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brainspiller83 (Dec 21, 2004)
won't last as long though!
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kejoco (Dec 21, 2004)
Styles change...
People change... What may have been your "style" this year may not be the same "style" you use next year Growth is what makes artists stand out Someone may never peak at a certain style because they chose to try something else I personally hope I never peak although i do hope i get to PEEK at a few things everynow and again....thats right, I'm talking DIRTY |
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squee (Dec 21, 2004)
All this says is, Live Life, Draw like hell, and eat twinkies.
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Xodiak (Dec 22, 2004)
I do not know if I would peek, but I would certainly peep. Peep at unsuspecting sexy girls undressing while they have forgotten their windows and their curtains open. >:)
|XOD| |
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NoClueWhatImDoing (Dec 22, 2004)
And then they catch you and have you thrown in jail.
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Xodiak (Dec 22, 2004)
Yes, that is exactly how the story usually ends. <:)
|XOD| |
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