boardsbeginnernature scene

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drawn in 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
well i was fixing up that hideous picture i sumbitted before but when i went to sumbit it i found out it was deleted -.-

so i made this using the basic same style...just airbrushed everything....

this is alot better RIGHT?
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
drawn in 15 min
quintessence (Dec 16, 2004)
The way to get better is usually to spend more than fifteen minutes trying.
bumpinthenight (Dec 16, 2004)
nope... not better.... you used the dodge tool wayyyy too much... And you didnt even think of a proper source of light... well, lemme rephrase that... in all actuality, you ignored the possibility of a source of light... usually, the sun is the main source of light in a picture (there can be multiple sources of light in a picture).... So why did you dodge on the edge of the bush that is facing the sun? the side facing the sun should be highlighted! XPPPPPP damn... yaargh, also, you put the opacity on the dodge and burn too high... Try 30 opacity or so... That ought to work better for you... :P
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
to quintessence: i dont believe time should be what matters in art. it depends how much effort you put it into it
to bumpinthenight: i know i accidentally used the dodge too much without realizing it >_< then i ended up continuing on it and couldnt undo it without messing everything else up. i know i never seem to consider source of light :P im stoopid. i dont know how to fix the opacity on the dodge and burn tools. how do you do it?
but do you think it's a least just a tiny bit better than that other crap i sumbitted? <_>
bumpinthenight (Dec 16, 2004)
sorry for being an ahole... erm, well, it could use some work, but its getting there ^_^;; ehh, allright... Its a crapload better than the stuff I started out drawing :P XD well, there is always a next time <XD
~E.U.R.O.B.E.A.T.~ (Dec 16, 2004)
You'll learn in time, Yamichan. Try and study pictures of landscapes and study why shadows and and highlights are where they are. You will learn in time...
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
i hate learning about shadows and highlights i could never do them i just put them wherever i think it looks cool cause i can o_o
marcello (Dec 16, 2004)
you don't even deserve to be on this site, then.
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
what the hell why?
bumpinthenight (Dec 16, 2004)
Thank you, Marcello, for making me look like a kind and loving 2drawer :P Yaargh... XD Oh well... You should learn to create the effect of depth with highlights/shading though, strawberry... If I can do it, so can you <:|
Zack (edited Dec 16, 2004)
You'll never improve unless you try. That means not just finding out what is wrong with the pictures you make but also studying good pictures to figure out what makes them good. Saying that time isn't what matters in art is a cop-out. The artists who can make amazing work quickly have spent countless hours developing their skills so that they can do that. You can't presume to be able to do that from the beginning.

You must learn about shadows and highlights. They are key elements of art.

If you're really serious about wanting to improve, you should try drawing from references. It's humbling and it takes patience, but it's very rewarding.

edit: I think Marcello's point is that this site is all about learning to draw better, and if you hate learning, you shouldn't be here.
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
yes marcello made you look like a sweet little innocent girl with a lollipop and pigtails :P no im not kidding....>_>
how do you learn to do that? and no just cause you can do it doesnt mean i can :( im bad at things <_<
TaCO (Dec 16, 2004)
It's not as hard as you think it is.
bumpinthenight (Dec 16, 2004)
that was helpful, derrick ><;; yaargh.... Erm, well strawberry, my suggestion is that you draw a directional lamp from the direction that you want the light to be coming from on a temporary layer... Then imagine the light coming from that lamp and striking the surface of the thing/character/object you are drawing... shade in the highlights based on how close they are to the source of light... ummm.... Just go and look at some work by Gigandas, DBA, Xod, Clox, and a bunch of other awesome artists on the site.... After yer done that, go and look at the places that would be farther away or hidden from the light.... Go there and put shade in.... :P :) Hope that kinda helped... XD
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
uuum i didnt really understand what you said but i guess i'll try to make a lamp? eeh...i dunno. if i do draw one though and once i sumbit it, could you tell me what i do wrong?
TaCO (Dec 16, 2004)
Start off by putting shadow right under each line and then to the left of every line.
If light is on the left of a line shadow is on the right of line.
Just do this until you understand It then your ready for the next step in learning shadow.
quintessence (Dec 17, 2004)
'so i made this using the basic same style...just airbrushed everything....

this is alot better RIGHT?'

And you expect it to be better because...? Just drawing something over again with the 'basic same style' and 'just airbrushing' everything won't make you improve, as nice as it would be if that worked.

You wanna see my first picture here? Oh yeah.

You know what the difference between that piece of crap and this is? The time I spent on it. The number of times I practiced drawing. The fact that I tried out different things instead of just saying 'I suck' and resigning myself to the fact that I was always going to suck, and everyone else would just have to deal with my no-effort posts. That's got to be one of the most irritating attitudes possible.

...done now.
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 17, 2004)
yes i know i have a very irritating attitude but even when i do spend tons of time practicing and trying to get better at something i usually always just think its worse.

and i like your first picture its way better than mine.

and i dont always post no-effort posts. heres one that took me the longest time i spent on a picture here so far:
and i did a 17 minute drawing (it was my 3rd one on this board) and i actually think it came out nice

yea but anyways i was that well last night so sorry if i sounded like a complete total idiot <_<
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