boardsbeginnerIt's a candle..and some feathergreens, with a crappy flame
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Common Tater
davincipoppalag (Dec 12, 2004)
Just Mo Krismus stuff..
davincipoppalag (Dec 12, 2004)
drawn in 6 min
Axil62 (Dec 12, 2004)
Just mo evergreen because someone stroked your ego on the wreath. However, this time it looks more like feathers.
davincipoppalag (Dec 12, 2004)
have another beer dan..
nekodesu (Dec 12, 2004)
I like the fire and trhe evergreen ^^
Axil62 (Dec 12, 2004)
Uh...I don't drink. I might have a beer once every couple months er so, maybe a rum and coke once in a blue moon. IS that what you do? Wake up and start drinking?
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 12, 2004)
omg this is very pretty ^-^ its gettin me in the christmas mood
inatyrb (Dec 12, 2004)
i love the way this is colored! its so chalky like! awesome!! great stuff your doing here!
emmamommalag (edited Dec 12, 2004)
It's beautiful.. I love the glow around the flame as well as the candle, itself. And the evergreen branches are PERFECT! Yay, (((poppasweetie!)))
Had to look again... this is SO PRETTY!! :)
Pantera (Dec 12, 2004)
Wow very cool, I love the way you do evergreen, great job :) lol Dan has feathers on his mind, maybe santa will bring him some :)
somebody (Dec 13, 2004)
This is so nice. I LOVE candles. And am I missing something or did this realy only take 6 min?
davincipoppalag (Dec 13, 2004)
nooo. hadda refresh..and that reset the timer..
somebody (Dec 14, 2004)
well I knew you were good but geeez. I knew there had to be a good explanation. It is great work regardless
Xodiak (Dec 15, 2004)
Very nice drawing Dave! I like candles very much, their light is much better than lightbulbs. I always have many candles, hehehehe! *drinks chocolate milk*
Aubrey (Dec 22, 2004)
I like that alot. It would be very purdy as like a name tag you put on a present, or a card. Good job poppa :) I'm sorry I didn't see it before now.
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