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drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
timE (Nov 23, 2004)
timE (Nov 23, 2004)
drawn in 48 min
spiritdweller (Nov 23, 2004)
that's kinda scary... that's why I like it :)
DinoFlorist (Nov 23, 2004)
I like it because its cool. I like it better as a thumbnail though. Things look cool when they are tiny!
sincity (Nov 23, 2004)
That is the original boy in da' hood! HA! Hey, this is actually pretty cool. I like the colors, so pretty. Kinda takes away that it scares meAHHHHH!
davincipoppalag (Nov 23, 2004)
THis is a cool one Tim. You should try a collab with zep, I think your two styles would be cool together..PS..Will you pick me up a Pat's Cheesesteak and memo it to me please?
timE (Nov 24, 2004)
thanks davinci, i'll have to check out zep's work. it's been so long since i did anything on these sites.

let's see, connect the cable wire to microwave , connect blue wire to modem.... hmm this is confusing, the cheesesteaks gonna have to wait.
smells so good......mmmm...... oh did i say that out loud?
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