great job'll get that portrait thing down yet...i know it.
seems like there is something missing in the iris and pupil...
not enough contrast or something, just seems a little flat if you know what i mean?
the skin around the eye looks great
Yes.. I still needed more work. I probably would have continued, but I need to get ready for a baby shower that I don't want to go to. :-( I'll keep hackin' away at learnin' this stuff.
How does a baby get dirty enough to need a shower? Oh wait..nm.. This is nice Anna.. I think you're gonna get this down too, and there will be no stoppin ya...
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
seems like there is something missing in the iris and pupil...
not enough contrast or something, just seems a little flat if you know what i mean?
the skin around the eye looks great