boardsintermediatelast night's dream
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drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
I usually fly by myself in my dreams... this time, I had a friend :)
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 37 min
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 46 sec
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
Anna (Nov 19, 2004)
That's really pretty. I love the texture of his feathers on his chest.
davincipoppalag (Nov 19, 2004)
You gotta stop eatin rich food before ya go to sleep Red! lol I like those feathers , too!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 19, 2004)
Very cool. I fly in dreams, too, but I never have a friend and I always fall down. :(
spiritdweller (edited Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 50 min
well that's no fun Cindy! I usually fly alone, at night... I leap into the air and use my arms, like I'm swimming through the air... I can stay up there as long as I want and always land gracefully :)
Xodiak (Nov 19, 2004)
Very beautiful bird! The little fairy rides it! Or is it you Lori? Awesome drawing, very dreamy and beautiful! >:D
spiritdweller (Nov 19, 2004)
it's me... in my dream last night >:)
thug (Nov 19, 2004)
my coolest dream ever was that I was a bumble bee flying over the incan pyramids in a swarm. I was surrounded by other bumble bees and the humming was deafining. We were about 100 feet up and the view was breathtaking. Yeah, I guess I'm skitzo.
davincipoppalag (Nov 19, 2004)
My favorite dream is the one where I live in the mountains, and it's the dead of winter,, and I have an indoor bathroom, and the rest of the neighbors all have outhouses..mwahahahahha
Xodiak (Nov 19, 2004)
I mostly remember my dreams from when I was little, they used to be very nice. One of my favourite dreams was when all people on Earth except me turned into undead. Even my brother was one, but he was on my side. After hours of trying to escape from the undead people who chased me and after travelling in the night through all sorts of bizarre places, I found myself into a big hospital where all kinds of horribly deformed and mutilated people inhabited. And then I found inside a small room a big living brain... And then I took a bottle with acid and poured it on it and killed it. And then all people turned to normal. And then I woke up! >:D
sincity (Nov 20, 2004)
Very nice lori. You know, I can't remember my dreams, when I do they are so scary, those seem to be the only ones I remember, god, that can't be good. This picture is though.
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