boardsbeginnerFreakish Person

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drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ILoveKenshin (Nov 16, 2004)
Whee! XD The face is what scares me the most. I kinda like it, in all of its weirdness. >8D I shalst draw a bigger, therefore better, version of it sometime soon.
ILoveKenshin (Nov 16, 2004)
drawn in 32 min
Kenshin (Nov 16, 2004)
awww! Its cute! ^_^ I love the position. :D It looks like me! hehe.
davincipoppalag (Nov 16, 2004)
You have lil ears and a foxtail Sayo? Cute!
p3ndragon (Nov 17, 2004)
^Did you confuse Kenshin and ILK?
You might want to sharpen up your lines, but it looks nice the way it is.
ILoveKenshin (Nov 17, 2004)
Thanks for the comments! ^^ I know, it's just that since it's in beginner, why bother.. :D
Xodiak (Nov 17, 2004)
I like her very much. I like her foxy tail and ears. I wish girls in real life would have them! <:D
ILoveKenshin (Nov 17, 2004)
XD Yes, that would be very fun. And then you could change them! You could be a cat.. or a fox.. >:D
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