hey this doesnt suck at all!! none of your work does lol.. this looks really cool like a sketch..if it wernt for the ticket id say get pulled over a couple more times :P this style is kinda cool
Well, if you'd just look at him like that you might not get a ticket, you silly girl. :) I think cops are hot, I speed on purpose just to get pulled over. LOL This is a fantastic drawing, and that 38 minutes up there makes me hate you as usual.
Sorry about the ticket. I got a speedingf ticket 3 days after I bought my new truck. Talk about killing your high. Nice drawing. Nothing sucky about this.
xod: this is from a photo of miss natalie portman. who is hot. i wish i could get proportions so nice from my imagination. but i am not such a good realistic imagination draw-er.
I Like how she stares straight at me with her head tilted so and that smile that she has that i can't see, but I know It's there. This pic Is just awesome!!!!!!!
drawn in 38 min
xod: this is from a photo of miss natalie portman. who is hot. i wish i could get proportions so nice from my imagination. but i am not such a good realistic imagination draw-er.
Oh and I have my birthday the same day as Natalie Portman... And Johnny Depp... >;D
drawn in 6 min